Lowest Price Guarantee Details

Buy with confidence!  MySapphireSource  has absolutely positively the lowest prices anywhere online, including items On Sale at other online stores- we guarantee it.

MySapphireSource is the only place you need to shop for jewelry. You can be 100% confident that you have received the best price possible.

If within 30 days of your purchase receipt , you find a lower price on the internet, we’ll happily issue you a MySapphireSource refund check of the difference up to $1000.

To qualify for our Lowest Price Guarantee credit:

  • The claim must be made within 30 days of purchase receipt.

  • The total price of purchase (including shipping, handling, insurance, tax, and ring sizing) must be lower.

  • The item must be identical (e.g., gemstone and/or diamond carat weight and quality, and gold or platinum weight) to the item purchased at MySapphireSource and must be priced accurately by the comparison store (e.g., you must actually be able to purchase the item at the advertised price).

  • If the item is a designer piece, the comparison item must be made by the same designer.

  • The online store offering the lower price must have the product currently in stock.

  • The online store must be an established internet site as determined by MySapphireSource, must not be an auction site (or item) and must be based in the United States. This online store must have secure ordering (https://).

  • The MySapphireSource Low Price Guarantee does apply to sale items but not to quantity discounts, product-bundle pricing, or special membership program discounts offered by other websites.

  • Final determination of whether these qualifications have been met and are within the intent of this guarantee are solely at the discretion of MySapphireSource.  restocking feees and return policies will be taken into account when evaluating other online companies.

  • This Low Price Guarantee is subject to change without prior notice.

  • MySapphireSource reserves the right to issue a full refund for the return of the item instead of issuing a refund check.

CLICK HERE to submit a Lowest Price Guarantee refund request. Please note that Incomplete requests will result in a delay in processing.